Volume 10, Number 2, May 1988, p.1

President's Letter

by Rosamond Westmoreland

With the National Park System in evolution, this may be a truly opportune moment for WAAC to spend a few days in the midst of one of the unquestionably great sites for Nature Preserved.

The parks initially were attractions because of their scenery. Then their recreational facilities became increasingly popular as the nation became interested in boating, skiing, fishing, etc. Now it seems that the great attraction of the parks is to bring nature and wildlife within reach of urban dwellers seeking relief from the city experience. But with the hundreds of millions of visitors come the unavoidable questions... Can parks be preserved unimpaired for future generations? Can they accommodate this generation? Now the Park System is in turmoil as lobbying intensifies from all directions. Off-road vehicle enthusiasts, Sierra Club activists, developers, preservationists -- Who should win? Who will win?

At the Board meeting this month we began outlining initial plans for the Annual Meeting; the idea of our being in Yosemite in November was exciting. Needless to say, there was a limited choice in the times available for us at the Park, and the last day of our meeting is on National Election Day. If you feel doubtful about reaching home before the polls close, arrange to have an absentee ballot.

We are serious about providing ample time to enjoy the glories of the Park. Talks and discussion groups are being planned for mornings and evenings, leaving the afternoons open for exploring.

So take a few minutes now to check your calendar and start planning for what will surely be an enjoyable and productive Annual Meeting.

Rosamond Westmoreland
WAAC President
3145 Veteran Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90034

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