Volume 10, Number 1, Jan. 1988, pp.31-32

From the Editor

by Chris Stavroudis

First: Allow me to apologize for the bulk of this issue. While it may be the Tenth Anniversary for the WAAC Newsletter, that is hardly justification for this tome.

As this is something of an event, let me thank the former editors that led the Newsletter through its first decade. A doff of the editorial chapeau to: Victoria Blyth-Hill, February 1979 (V1,n1) through September 1982 (V4,n3); Gary Wade Alden and Elizabeth Court, co-editors, March 1983 (V5,n1) through September 1983 (V5,n3); and to Caroline Black Blydenburgh January 1984 (V6,n1) through May 1987 (V9,n2).

Second: I should very much like to be able to run editorials or letters from the membership. Casting the first stone myself:

(NOTE: see subsequent article, "Editorial," by Chris Stavroudis, WAAC Newsetter, v.10 n.1)

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