Volume 10, Number 1, Jan. 1988, pp.1-2

President's Letter

by Rosamond Westmoreland

Another holiday season is past and WAAC wishes all our readers a happy and rewarding New Year.

The 1987 annual WAAC meeting in Tucson, Arizona enthusiastically confirmed that WAAC members (this year, 85 attended the meeting) continue to find it worthwhile and enjoyable to get together for a few days to exchange information and conversation. Sincerest thanks go to out-going WAAC president Benita Johnson, who not only chose an exceptional setting for the meeting, but who also organized the details to provide a smoothly functioning program of events.

The business meeting brought an announcement that, at last, the IRS concurs with our tax-exempt status. The extensive groundwork for this goes back several years to when John Twilley, then president, undertook the project. The efforts of Secretary / Treasurers Benita Johnson, Pauline Mohr, and Linda Strauss, as well as John's work, were required to get to this end. This means that by being classified as a non-profit organization, we are no longer required to pay taxes. We are grateful to all those who had a part in this and especially to John.

Again, thanks to Benita and the outgoing board, Jim Wright, Lynn Wicks, Genevieve Baird, and Linda Strauss, outgoing Secretary / Treasurer, all of whose hard work contributed towards a great meeting and another prosperous year for WAAC. We also thank Chris Stavroudis for his continuing efforts as WAAC Newsletter Editor and mailing and membership list coordinator.

A semi-official polling of the membership at the business meeting brought forth strong support for Yosemite as the site of the 1988 WAAC Annual Meeting. As this proposal had to be pursued rather quickly due to the popularity of the Park, the weekend of November 5, 6, and 7 has been confirmed, with lodging and meeting space in the Park's Curry Village. Space is being reserved in both the cabins (double occupancy, with bath) and Yosemite Lodge for these nights. The cost will be approximately $50-75 for two, excluding meals. The Banquet will be held in the Solarium of the Ahwahnee Hotel on Monday evening, the 7th, and will cost approximately $25 per person. For people who arrive early on Saturday the 5th, we will be offering two-hour walking tours with guides from the Yosemite Institute. Two types of tours are available, with either geology or trees and flowers as the focus. There will be between 20 and 40 people in a group.

We are planning to schedule the talks and business meeting during the mornings and evenings, leaving the afternoons free for exploration of the Park. The next Newsletter will contain registration information and further details, including information on transportation. Those members who are thinking of staying in Yosemite a little longer, or arriving earlier, would be well advised to get their reservations arranged by early summer. November is not the peak season and individual accommodations, as desired, should be fairly easy to get. For those who may wish to splurge and throw economy to the winds, the Ahwahnee should be contacted directly since we have not reserved any space there other than the banquet room. The telephone number for reservations is (209) 252-4848.

Debbie Evans has agreed to gather suggestions about organizing bus travel from the Bay area to the Park. If there are other ideas on group travel please get in touch with either Denise Domergue (213) 389-5256 or me (213) 478-2255. The airport nearest the Park is Merced, California.

It all reminds me a little bit of camp. It's going to be a great weekend. For Girl Scout camp, we used to be sent a list of required clothing and things to bring. While we don't propose to go quite that far on behalf of WAAC members, we will include information later on the type of weather and temperatures one should expect.

Rosamond Westmoreland
President, WAAC
3145 Veteran Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90034

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