Volume 9, Number 3, Sept 1987, p.10

NIC News

by Gary Wade Alden

The 1987 Annual National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property (NIC) Council Meeting will be held 19-20 October 1987 (not 14 October as originally scheduled) with break-out working sessions to guide the transition to a more volunteer-based operating structure. Jane Long, NIC Assistant Director for Resource Development, has joined the Washington, D.C. staff of the President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities where she will be a strong voice representing the conservation community. David Shute, Director of NIC and Secretary to the NIC Board and Council, will leave NIC on 1 October 1987. Carolyn Rose is nominated to continue as NIC Chairman. Gary Wade Alden will attend the Annual NIC Council Meeting as voting delegate representing both WAAC and BACC.

Due to the disbanding of the National Museum Act (NMA) as a funding entity, the NIC has been faced with severe financial problems. Despite a concerted effort by the Board and staff, the funds needed were not forthcoming. Quoting from the August 5, 1987 memorandum from David A. Shute to Designees and Alternates to the NIC Council. The "Board has considered all possible options. The only viable choice at this time, though not one accepted with any enthusiasm, is based on a serious reduction in organizational staffing and a retrenchment to a more volunteer-based operating structure.

The reorganization will, at a minimum, guarantee NIC's continuance for the next thirteen months; and, it will reduce the basic operational costs by approximately two-thirds from current levels. This thirteen months will provide the Board and Council with the time needed to further the national strategy and to take advantage of potential new sources of funding that are anticipated during that period.

Gary Wade Alden

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