Volume 9, Number 3, Sept 1987, p.1

President's Letter: WAAC Annual Meeting

by Benita Johnson

The 1987 WAAC annual meeting will be held from November 2-4, 1987 at the Westward Look Resort in Tucson, Arizona. A tentative schedule of this meeting was included in the last mailing to you and, as you have read, the papers promise to be very exciting! I would encourage all of you to attend, not only for the quality of the papers to be presented, but to get acquainted or reacquainted with the other conservators in the western United States.

The Westward Look Resort was chosen as the location for the meeting because of its conference facilities, its desert environment and the inexpensive accommodations. If you haven't already sent in your room reservation card, don't forget to do so before October 1, 1987. After this date, rooms will only be available on a first come, first served basis with no guarantee of our group rate of $66.00 a night per room.

The resort is located in the Santa Catalina foothills overlooking the city of Tucson and has 3 swimming pools, 3 Jacuzzis, and a health club. Golf courses and riding stables are within a 10- minute ride by van.

The Arizona State Museum has generously offered to host a reception at the museum on the evening of November 2, 1987. The museum is located at the University of Arizona and houses major collections of archaeological and ethnographic materials from the Southwest. Nancy Odegaard, the museum's conservator, has been busy planning this reception for us.

A Mexican-Sonoran banquet has been planned for the evening of Tuesday, November 3, 1987. A cash bar will be available before and during the banquet; the banquet being held outside on the terrace. Reservations must be made in advance of the meeting registration form as it will not be possible to purchase banquet tickets at the door. Vegetarians please note: 3 types of salads, cheese enchiladas, guacamole, etc. are included on the menu, along with other items such as chicken chimichangas and carne asada.

As the meeting begins Monday morning at 9:00 a.m., I would suggest that you arrive during the late afternoon of Sunday, November 1, 1987. Check-in time at the resort is 3:00 p.m. Live jazz music is being offered at the resort during the late afternoon on Sunday. From Tucson International Airport, take the "Arizona Stage Coach" to the resort. The fare for the coach is $9.50 each way; the information booth at the airport will assist you in locating the coach.

I look forward to our meeting with great anticipation and hope to see all of you there!

Benita Johnson
President, WAAC

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