Volume 8, Number 1, Jan. 1986, p.1

President's Letter

by Bob Futernick

The Western Association of Art Conservators (WAAC) began in 1975. At a later date the name of the organization was changed to the Western Association for Art Conservation in order to accommodate a more diverse membership. We incorporated in 1983 but it wasn't until this year, with thanks to John Twilley's hard work, that the question of our tax status was finally resolved. This was not an easy task and we appreciate John's guidance through the bureaucratic maze associated with the IRS and the Franchise Tax Board. Now WAAC can generate income, accept donations, and apply for and administer grants with all of the benefits commensurate with non-profit status.

Individual members may apply for grants under WAAC's sponsorship. Exact policy and procedures are yet to be established, but until then applications will be considered on a case by case basis. Submissions should be made directly to me at least one month prior to the WAAC board meetings which are held in April and in October during the annual meeting.

The 1985 annual meeting was held 26 October to 1 November at the Sheraton Hotel in Santa Barbara, California. John Twilley and Scott Haskins organized an excellent program. There was a tone of informality and plain speaking about the presentations which is beginning to characterize WAAC meetings. This degree of openness cannot always be attained at larger forums and should therefore be all the more appreciated when it occurs.

The question of how WAAC can best serve the needs of the membership was a major issue at the meeting. One suggestion was that WAAC procure a group health insurance plan for members. If you have any information about group coverage or would be interested in signing up for it, please contact Judith Rieniets or Anita Noennig. A questionnaire is now being developed to explore other ideas about WAAC's purpose and direction. This will be distributed shortly under separate cover.

Hearty thanks to John Twilley, Chris Stavroudis, Carl Patterson and Scott Haskins for their work on the board this past year. Also, warm thanks to Benita Johnson who has done an excellent job for two years as Secretary/Treasurer. Finally, kudos to CAROLINE BLACK for her fine work as editor of the newsletter and for being willing to continue this effort.

The officers for 1985/86 are:

Robert Futernick, President
Benita Johnson, Vice-President
Pauline Mohr, Secretary/Treasurer
Debra Evans, Member-at-large
John Twilley, Member-at-large
Ros Westmoreland, Member-at-large
Caroline Black, Newsletter Editor

Best wishes for this new year,

Bob Futernick
The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
California Palace of the Legion of Honor
Lincoln Park
San Francisco, CA 94121

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