Volume 7, Number 3, Sept. 1985, p.18

Meetings and Conferences in Review

Various authors

The "Fourth Annual Seminar on Excellence in Hand Bookbinding" took place 28-29 June in San Francisco. It was the first time that the seminar was held on the West Coast and about 80 people from all over the U.S. attended, including, from the LA area: Mel and Bruce Kavin, Margaret Lecky, Joanne Page, Ruth-Ann Rohman and Griselda Warr. The seminar was divided into four parts, each focusing on a different hand bookbinding technique. Don Etherington demonstrated the paring of leather covers. Gary Frost demonstrated how to make a paper covered conservation binding. Sylvia Rennie shared with us a style of vellum binding she has developed. Gerard Charriere and Michael Wilcox from Canada, demonstrated different methods for gold tooling. These annual seminars currently provide an alternative to certification. Their intended goal is to raise the standards used for hand bookbinding. The concept for this kind of seminar originated with Don Etherington and this year's arrangements were made by the California Guild of Bookworkers.

Joanne Page, Assistant Paper Conservator, Los Angeles County
Museum of Art

The FAIC Fiber Identification Course, which was to be held this summer at the University of California at Berkeley, had to be cancelled only due to the tardy response of applicants after the deadline for registration. The course will be offered again next year if adequate response is received prior to the deadline. The fee will still be set at $200 not including room, board and transportation costs.

Western states conservators are reminded that their participation in this course provides an excellent opportunity to show support for more FAIC sponsored refresher courses which could be held on the West Coast. Watch for details in upcoming AIC newsletters and respond by the deadline date!

The Bay Area Conservation Guild (BAACG) has enjoyed a tremendously productive year in which there have been 18 meetings and 59 talks given on a wide variety of conservation topics. Robin Tichane, BAACG Programs 1984-85, has sent the WAAC a record of this impressive program. Copies may be obtained by contacting Caroline Black, Newsletter Editor, 1644 North Courtney Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90046.

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