Volume 7, Number 1, Jan. 1985, p.9

Books, Audio-Visual


Museums For A New Century, a report published by the American Association of Museums (AAM) on the role of museums in our society and how they should prepare for the next century. Available through the AAM, P.O. Box 33399, Washington, D.C. 20033. $13.95 & $1.50 postage to AAM members $17.95 & $1.50 postage to non-members.

Household Hazardous Waste: Solving the Disposal Dilemma, a handbook detailing options and methods for designing household hazardous waste collection programs and reviews some programs implemented across the country. Write: Golden Empire Health Planning Center, 2100 21st St., Sacramento, CA 95818. $15.00 to corporations $10.00 to non-profit/community/gov't.

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