Volume 6, Number 1, Jan. 1984, p.11

ASTM Standards for Artists' Materials

by Zora Pinney

Subcommittee D01.57 of the American Society for Testing Materials has developed two standards in addition to the Chronic Health Hazards Standard. Labeling for oil and acrylic paints will specify quality as well as give information about chronic health hazards. However, it will take time to receive an evaluation, develop requirements for labeling by a toxicologist, and coordinate the design, printing and distribution.

The two standards will be D4302, "Specifications for Artists' Oil and Acrylic Emulsion Paints" and D4303, "Test Methods for Relative Lightfastness of Pigments used in Artists' Paints." D4302 establishes quality and labeling requirements and is meant to provide a basis for common understanding among producers, distributors and consumers. A listing of pigments in terms of lightfastness is part of the standard. D4303 is a support standard for D4302. It may be used to test pigments not on the "suitable list" at the time the standard is developed.

The original Chronic Health Hazards Standards D4236 has been revised and will appear in the 1984 book of ASTM standards. Individual copies of completed standards are available from ASTM, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. $8. per copy.

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