Volume 5, Number 2, June 1983, pp.1-2

WAAC Business


WAAC Business Annual Meeting

The 1983 Annual Meeting of WAAC will be held at The Oakland Museum in Oakland, California, on October 6,7. The first call for papers has already gone out. Scott Haskins, Vice President, report that there has been a good response go far, especially in the application of computers to conservation. Other subjects so far include a non-penetrating facing adhesive and a water blasting system for cleaning objects.

Change of Officers

Due to the press of other business, Brook Bowman will be unable to continue as Secretary/Treasurer of WAAC. All matters pertaining to this office should be referred from now on to the newly appointed Secretary/Treasurer, Caroline Black. Caroline is presently Collection Management Consultant for the Armand Hammer Foundation. Her address is: 1644 N. Courtney Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90046.

Nominations of New Officers

The WAAC Board Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for 1983-84 for the offices Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, and three Officers-at-Large. We ask that you give this matter serious thought and seek those who would be willing to give their time and energy to support the activities and professionalism of our organization. Following the practice of past year, the Vice President can be nominated separately and can appoint the Secretary/Treasurer after the election, or the two positions can run as a team. The board position of Editor of the Newsletter is also available. This is a volunteer position and can be shared between coeditors.


In May, 1983, WAAC was incorporated in California as a non-profit public benefit corporation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The next step is to draw up and submit the Bylaws.

Important Renewal Reminder

WAAC dues for the coming year are due by July 1, 1983. Dues are $15.00 for Individual Membership and $20.00 for Institutional membership. Dues must be paid on time to insure that you stay on the mailing list for future Newsletters and important announcements and are eligible to attend the Annual Meeting in October. Send in your annual dues today!

First WAAC Newsletter Editor Honored

On March 29, 1983, Victoria Blyth-Hill was presented with a plaque, from the WAAC membership, acknowledging her dedicated work as the first WAAC Newsletter Editor. The presentation was made by Jim Druzik, past WAAC President, during a full staff meeting of the LACMA Conservation Center. The plaque reads: "Western Association for Art Conservation, presented to Victoria Blyth-Hill in sincere gratitude for exceptional service in establishment of the Newsletter, 1979-1982. " The plaque came as a complete surprise to Victoria, who commentated during Jim's intentionally vague presentation speech, "Hurry up and get to the point."

(photo of Victoria Blyth-Hill receiving the plaque)

Dear WAAC Membership:

I want to thank you all for the impressive plaque presented to me in "appreciation for the establishment of the WAAC Newsletter." I was surprised, embarrassed and very grateful for the acknowledgement and will hang it proudly for all to see.

I am happy to have been able to pass the responsibility on to such competent co-editors as Gary Wade Alden and Elizabeth Court. They know that it takes all of you to make the Newsletter work and the last issue proves you're all working hard. Keep it up - and a special thanks for the instigators of this surprise.

Victoria Blyth Hill

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