Volume 4, Number 2, May 1982, p.5

1982 Arts Legislation

Furnished by Larry Briskin, Larry Briskin & Associates
Number & Author         Description                Status

AB 21 (Vasconcellos)  Would appropriate        Passed the Assembly &
                      $11.3 million for the    Senate; referred to a
                      California Arts          conference committee.
                      Council's 1982-83
                      programs and

AB 1257 (Young)       Would establish a        Passed the Assembly &
                      state licensing system   the Senate Business &
                      for auctioneers,         Professions Committee;
                      including art            referred to Senate
                      auctioneers.             Finance Committee

AB 2296 (Baker)       Would extend the time    Passed the
                      within which legal       Legislature; to the
                      action could be          Governor for
                      brought for the theft    signature.
                      of art or artifacts
                      held by a public or
                      nonprofit institution
                      from the current 3
                      years from the date of
                      theft to 3 years from
                      discovery of the
                      whereabouts of the

AB 3117 (Farr)        Would create the State   Referred by the
                      Cultural Affairs         Assembly Government
                      Agency consisting of 3   Organization Committee
                      cultural departments     for interim study
                      and 9 agencies,          during the Fall of
                      including the            1982.
                      California Arts

AB 3120 (Farr)        Would create the Arts    Defeated by the
                      Indemnification          Assembly Government
                      Program, under which     Organization
                      the State would insure   Committee.
                      artworks to be
                      exhibited in

AB 3299 (Chacon)      Would include stained    Passed the Assembly
                      glass artistry as a      Govt. Organization
                      fine art form under      Committee; referred to
                      several existing state   the Assembly Ways &
                      arts laws, including     Means Committee.
                      the Resale Royalties
                      Act and the Art
                      Preservation Act.

AB 3420 (Farr)        Would allow heirs to     All inheritance taxes
                      pay California           were repealed by
                      inheritance taxes with   passage of Proposition
                      works of arts.           6 on June 8th.

AB 3483 (Katz)        Would conform            Passed the Assembly;
                      California law to the    referred to the Senate
                      1976 Federal copyright   Judiciary Committee.

SB 11 (Maddy)         Would allow taxpayers    Passed the Senate;
                      who take a standard      passed the Assembly
                      deduction on their       Revenue & Taxation
                      state income tax         Committee; referred to
                      return to also deduct    Assembly Ways & Means.
                      contributions to
                      including arts

SB 1686 (Sieroty)     Would allow nonprofit    Passed the Senate;
                      institutions to make     referred to the
                      historically and         Assembly Criminal
                      culturally important     Justice Committee.
                      sound recordings
                      available to the
                      public by exempting
                      these recordings from
                      current law that
                      prohibits reproduction
                      of sound recordings
                      without consent of the
                      copyright owner.

SB 1753 (Sieroty)     Would enact a 2% for     Passed the Senate
                      art program to place     Governmental
                      art in public places     Organization
                      owned by the State.      Committee; referred to
                                               State Finance

SB 1754 (Sieroty)     Would require            Defeated on the Senate
                      manufacturers of toxic   Floor.
                      materials used by
                      artists to clearly
                      label their products.

SB 1755 (Sieroty)     Would grant to           Passed the Senate;
                      commercial artists       referred to the
                      working under "work      Assembly Finance,
                      for hire" arrangements   Insurance, and
                      certain rights           Commerce Committee.
                      provided to employees,
                      including workers'
                      insurance, and social

SB 1756 (Sieroty)     Would extend to          Passed the Senate
                      artifacts the existing   Revenue & Taxation
                      law that exempts from    Committee; referred to
                      sales tax works of an    Senate Finance
                      purchased by             Committee.
                      California museums.

SB 1757 (Sieroty)     Would amend the          Passed the Senate;
                      California Art           referred to the
                      Preservation Act to      Assembly Judiciary
                      allow nonprofit arts     Committee.
                      organizations as
                      representatives of the
                      public to protect
                      important works of

AB 1758 (Sieroty)     Would authorize          Passed the Senate
                      creation of a State      referred to the
                      Summer School for the    Assembly Education
                      Arts.                    Committee.

SB 1759 (Sieroty)     Would amend the          Passed the Senate;
                      California Resale        referred to Assembly
                      Royalties Act.           Judiciary Committee.

SB 1760 (Sieroty)     Would increase from      Passed the Senate Rev.
                      20% to 30% of income     & Tax. Committee;
                      the maximum amount of    referred to Senate
                      charitable               Finance Committee.
                      contributions to
                      including arts
                      organizations, that
                      may be deducted in any
                      year for state income
                      tax purposes.

SB 1937 (Sieroty)     Would retain             Passed the Senate and
                      commercial artists       the Assembly Judiciary
                      working under a "work    Committee; to the
                      for hire" arrangement    Assembly Floor.
                      the right to reproduce
                      their works unless
                      that right is
                      expressly transferred
                      in writing.

SB 1936 (Sieroty)     Would conform            Passed the Senate and
                      California's law to a    the Assembly Judiciary
                      1981 New York law that   Committee; to the
                      requires artists and     Assembly Floor.
                      dealers to disclose to
                      purchasers at the time
                      of sale specific
                      information regarding
                      limited edition fine

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