Volume 4, Number 1, Feb. 1982, pp.8-9


Los Angeles

Two of our WAAC Conference attendants, Gloria Giffords and Betsy Lonigran from Tucson, Arizona, came to the aid of a Huntington Library reader, Dean Bromley, here from England, who fell and broke her hip in the parking lot on Friday, October 16. The Huntington staff and Mrs. Bromley are grateful to them for their assistance in holding her up until the ambulance came.

Catherine McLean and Nancy Conlin Wyatt presented papers at the 1981 Textile Museum Roundtable, "The Management of Museum Textile Collections." The topic of Catherine McLean's paper was "Handicapped Accessibility to Museum Collections." Nancy Wyatt's paper covered "The Interaction Between Curators and Conservators in Preparing an Exhibition.''

Pieter Meyers was invited to attend a Symposium on Ancient Chinese Metallurgy (October 11-31, 1981) in Beijing, People's Republic of China, and a two-week trip to museums, archeological sites, and monuments. He presented lectures during the symposium in Beijing and in Zheng Zhou. The symposium was organized by University of Iron and Steel Technology, Beijing, Institute of Archeology, Beijing, and supported by the National Science Foundation.

Pieter Meyers recently lectured at the Coast Guard Academy, New London, Conn., and at Bell Telephone Labs, Murray Hill, N.J.

"Textile Conservation in Action: Before and After." A panel discussion with Pat Reeves, Fernande Jones, Nancy Conlin Wyatt, and Catherine McLean, moderated by Edward Maeder, presented to the Costume Council of the Los Angeles Museum of Art. The discussion involved treatments of recent acquisitions and textiles for the forthcoming exhibition, "An Elegant Art: 18th Century Textiles and Costumes."

The Antiquities Conservation Department of the J. Paul Getty Museum has a new part-time staff member, Carol Elkins, as well as a new work-study student, Kathryn Enfield.

Nigel Seeley from the Institute of Archeology, University of London, will be coming as Visiting Conservator this spring for a two week period. He will consult with the Antiquities Conservation Department at the Getty on a 6th Century Greek bronze bed.

John Fletcher, dendrochronologist from Oxford University has been at the Getty Museum as a consultant to the Paintings Department for the week of February 1-5, 1982, where he conducted a seminar for professionals in the area, and a lecture for the general public.

Maryan Ainsworth, Research Investigator from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and Specialist in autoradiography visited the Getty as Visiting Conservator to the Paintings Conservation Department for the week of February 15-19, 1982. She conducted several seminars on autoradiography and infrared reflectography.

John Brealey, Conservator of Paintings at the Metropolitan visited the Getty Museum as Consultant for the week beginning February 22, 1982.

San Diego

Janice Antonacci, a graduate of the Queens University Conservation Training Program in Canada, is serving a three month internship at BACC to study the workings of a regional center and to do painting conservation.

Leslie Kruth is working at BACC on a part-time basis to set up a laboratory for the conservation of works of art on paper.

Mary Kukel and Donna Regan, Curatorial Assistants at the San Diego Historical Society, are beginning studies of textile conservation with William Chandler, Associate Curator at the San Diego Museum of Art. Techniques learned will be applied to the care and preservation of the Historical Society's extensive collection of costumes and other textiles.


Jeanne Brako, NYU Class of 1982, has accepted a position as Conservator specializing in Textiles at the Rocky Mountain Regional Conservation Center. Ms. Brako has completed a three month study with Karen Finch at Hampton Court House, London, England, immediately before beginning work at the RMRCC.

The Conservators of the RMRCC are working in coordination with the Santa Fe Museum of Fine Arts in setting up 2 conservation facility under a pilot grant project under the Institute of Museum Services.

On January 8, 1982, the RMRCC held its annual meeting of Consortium Institutions to discuss current and future work schedules. Twelve member institutions were represented.

Chris Young, Conservator at the RMRCC, is in charge of ART-TREK for the Denver Art Museum. The traveling exhibition tours the state with various art objects from the museum Ms. Young checks the objects for condition, assists in the selection of the objects to travel, and monitors the environmental controls on the truck.


Debra Evans, recent graduate of the Winterthur Art Conservation Program, joined the staff of the Pacific Regional Conservation Center at the Bishop Museum as Paper Conservator in September.

Ruth Norton was granted leave of absence to direct second phase of the conservation training course at the National Museum of the Philippines in Manila that is sponsored by the Ford Foundation. She will be away until February, 1982. During her absence, Laura Word has been engaged as Objects Conservator at PRCC, having been granted leave of absence from the Upper Midwest Conservation Association.

Mary Lee, who has been away on an assignment to initiate a conservation facility at the Roger McDougold Art Gallery in Christchurch, New Zealand, will be returning to the Center at the end of February, 1982.

San Francisco

R. C. Chacon, Painting Restorer from the Instituto Nacional de Cultura del Peru spent a few weeks in the Conservation Labs of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco as volunteer/observer working with Teri Oikawa-Picante.

Paula de Cristofaro, graduate of the Courtauld in Paintings Conservation, is now interning at the Fogg Museum in Boston.

Susan Tintori, has recently been awarded a Fulbright grant to study conservation in Italy. Susan was a volunteer in the painting conservation laboratory of the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco last year. She is presently finishing her B.A. in art history at U.C Berkeley.


Catherine G. Asher, who received her M.L.S. at Indiana University in 1975, and subsequently worked as conservator at the Lilly Library there, has joined the staff of the Thompson Conservation Laboratory in Portland, Oregon.

Jack Thompson delivered a paper entitled "Restoration of the Multnomah Fall Lodge Photo-murals" to the Seventh Annual IIC-CG Conference, in Victoria, B.C.

Mt. Angel Abbey in Oregon has received a grant of $50,000 from The Collins Foundation to contract with the Thompson Conservation Laboratory for conservation work on their pre-1800 collection of printed and manuscript books. This grant runs through June, 1983.

The Thompson Conservation Laboratory has acquired a TR5-80 microcomputer for the purpose of cataloging its reference collection on disk. It is expected to exceed 5,000 entries, and will include information from all conservation specialties.


The Conservation Laboratory of Fine Arts of Brigham Young University, under the direction of Scott M. Haskins, is bringing to a close the conservation work on murals in the pioneer temple in Manti, Utah. The 9,300 square feet of murals have required consolidation, compensation, and a lot of cleaning. Project completion date is scheduled for the end of February, 1982. Construction of the new L.D.S. Church Museum with the official title: Museum of Church History and Art, is progressing rapidly. The conservators are shifting into high gear as the early 1983 opening approaches. Conservation of the artifacts scheduled for the opening exhibits is progressing (slowly). A small group of conservators in Utah met with persons from the State Historical Society to discuss a Disaster Preparedness Plan. Actually, they discussed the need for such a plan.

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