Volume 3, Number 2, May 1981, p.8

Information Exchange


Textile Labeling

Information regarding methods for labeling accession numbers on textiles would be appreciated. Please be specific with recommended materials by including product and manufacturers' names. Send information to: Nancy Conlin Wyatt, Conservation Center, LACMA.

Update on the National Conservation Advisory Council

The National Conservation Advisory Council (NCAC) is a voluntary non-profit organization established in 1973 to identify major national needs and problems in conservation and offer recommendations for their solution and to recommend programs that will result in a coordinated national policy and plan for the conservation of cultural property in this country. NCAC therefore serves as a national forum for conservation interests, gathering and distributing information on which to base policy recommendations. In addition to this clearinghouse function, NCAC tries to perform a leadership role in formulating conservation plans and policies, and advising on matters concerning present and future needs in conservation and preservation.

NCAC consists of representatives of approximately sixty institutions which are informed and concerned about conservation matters. Nine national organizations have permanent membership status. In addition regional conservation centers, major conservation and research laboratories, conservation training programs, and professional associations and guilds make up a roster of Associate Members, who are invited to participate without voting privileges. In this region the Bay Area Art Conservation Guild (BAACG), the Western Association for Art Conservation (WAAC), BACC (Balboa Art Conservation Center), the Conservation Center of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and the Pacific Regional Conservation Center of Hawaii, are all Associate members. At the NCAC Annual Meeting on 17 October 1980 the Council elected from its roster of Association Members eleven organizations which, under the NCAC system of rotating membership, will serve as voting members for two-year terms. BAACG was a voting member of NCAC for the previous term. For the next two years, two among the recently elected eleven voting members are west coast representatives: The Conservation Center of LACMA, and BACC. In order to most fully represent the interests of the region, BACC and LACMA would like to invite participation from all WAAC members, and solicit comments, suggestions, questions, or input of any sort at all. We shall also endeavor to inform the WAAC membership of all NCAC activities, in order to foster closer communication and cooperation among all of us who are concerned about conservation in this area.

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