Volume 3, Number 2, May 1981, pp.4-5


San Diego

Betty Engel has been appointed Chief Conservator at the Balboa Art Conservation Center.

BACC Volunteers, Candy Kuhl and Laurent Sozzani, have been accepted by the Winterthur/University of Delaware Art Conservation Training Program for fall 1981.

Mary Kukel and Donna Regan have been hired as Curatorial Assistants by the San Diego Historical Society to establish a costume and textile center. The Society's present collection consists of over 900 pieces, dating from 1820-1940 and it will soon be augmented by nearly 700 items from the Midge Le Clair collection. In the fall of 1981 the Society's collections will move into a new environmentally controlled facility in Balboa Park. At that time a new public viewing and study area will be set up as well as workspace for the conservation of textiles. A reference library is also being started for the study of period costumes and flat textiles.

Rocky Mountain Region

Bettina Raphael, ethnographic conservator. has recently moved her Southwest Conservation Laboratory to 300 E. Houghton St., Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501. telephone (505) 988-2487. She is currently working under an NSF conservation grant at the School of American Research in Santa Fe, while continuing her private practice In the area. Bettina has recently been named chairman of a Study Committee on Ethnographic and Archeological Conservation by the National Conservation Advisory Committee. An open meeting of ethnographic and archeological conservators is planned for one Specialty Group Session at the AIC Meeting in Philadelphia.

Lawrence Hoffman, painting conservator formerly at the Hirshhorn Museum, has recently moved to Santa Fe and established the Painting Conservation Studio, 1511 Don Gaspar, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501, telephone (505) 983-5957.

Claire Munzenrider, conservator at the International Folk Art Museum of the Museum of the New Mexico in Santa Fe, telephone (505) 827-2544, is in the process of planning expansion of the conservation laboratory to carry out work on the Museum's recently expanded collection of multi-media folk artifacts.

The staff of the Rocky Mountain Reglonal Conservation Center is currently working with the Federal Government on a project restoring three murals at the entrance of the U. S. Mint in Denver.

The RMRCC is assisting in a restoration program of the Church of the Annunciation in Denver. The paint layers on the walls nave been tested in an attempt to reach the original surface. A number of murals painted on the walls are being cleaned in situ and 23 paintings on canvas glued to the walls and ceilings of the church are being brought back to the Center for treatment.

Sharon Odekirk, a former pre-professional intern at the RMRCC, has received a Mellon Foundation Grant to study as a conservation apprentice at the Smith Museum, Springfield, Massachusetts.

Dana Brown, a current pre-professional intern at the RMRCC has been admitted to the program at the Institute of Archeology, University of London, to study ethnographic and archeological conservation beginning in the fall of 1981. Ms. Brown is completing her BFA at the University of Colorado in Boulder.

Connie Wanke, Conservator of Works of Art on Paper at the RMRCC will be lecturing at the Colorado Conservation Study Seminar to be held in June 1981. The seminar will focus on disaster planning for libraries and Ms. Wanke will be in charge of the "hands-on" portion of the program.

Channel 6 in Denver did a segment of their local program "Season Ticket" on the RMRCC. Interviewed were Arne Hansen, Director, and Charles Patterson, Chief Conservator. History and information on the RMRCC and its functions were outlined, as well as a general overview of the conservation field. The film was shown twice to the Denver audience.

Los Angeles

Denise Domergue, Conservator of Paintings, has incorporated her private practice. The name assumed by her business is Conservation of Paintings, Ltd.

Laura J. Juszczak will be leaving the Los Angeles County Museum of Art at the end of July. She will begin a two-year Mellon Fellowship at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City in September.

Par Connell, an intern from New York University, has completed her internship in Textile Conservation at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. She plans to remain in Los Angeles and work privately.

David Bull has left his post as Director of the Norton-Simon Museum in Pasadena, and has set up a paintings conservation lab in Santa Monica, California.

The conservation and mounting of the Codex Hammer (formerly Codex Leicester), recently purchased by Dr. Armand Hammer, was begun at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Conservation Center by Victoria Blyth in conjunction with Michael Warnes. Mr. Warnes is the paper conservator for the Royal Libraries, Windsor Castle and previously the British Museum. Drawings and manuscript pages by Leonardo da Vinci are rare and the Codex Hammer is the last manuscript In private hands. Dr. Hammer has promised the Codex to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

A paper describing the work performed is in the process of being written and will be presented at the 1981 WAAC Conference.

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