Volume 1, Number 2, May 1979, p.2



The newly published book, Artists/Prints, puts the reader in touch with the many people and processes involved in the production and selling of fine prints as it happens, bringing all their individual knowledge and work into one easily readable volume. All entries in Artists/Prints are listed alphabetically by artist (from Alpers to Zuniga). The title of each work is followed by the publisher, date of publication, use of chopmark, number of colors, medium, tools used, techniques employed, dimensions of work, type of paper, edition size, names of printers, workshop. distributor, and price. There are 150 black and white illustrations. Artists/Prints at the pre-publication price of $19.95 plus $2.25 for postage and handling. Orders accepted at this special price until June 30, 1979. After this date price will be $24.95 plus $2.25 for postage and handling. California residents add 6% sales tax. For orders or information write to: Artists/Prints, 708 North Manhattan Place, Los Angeles CA 90039.

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