Volume 1, Number 2, May 1979, p.2


Los Angeles Area Conservation Resource Booklet

Those who attended the 1979 WAAC Meeting received a copy of the Los Angeles Area Conservation Resource Booklet. This booklet was organized as a handlist of organizations, corporations, and suppliers who have resources, services or supplies which might facilitate the work of art conservators. It is intended for WAAC Members who need analytical services or equipment which are not available at their home institutions, or by private conservators who wish to coordinate testing for a client. It also describes governmental and private organizations who deal with conservation issues and often can provide funding or advice. Finally, the booklet lists suppliers in the area of conservation, such as art supplies, tools, chemicals, etc. The Los Angeles list was meant as a working copy which hopefully will be expanded, annotated and enlarged to cover all the states which the WAAC incorporates. We are primarily interested in locating unique services in the Western United States, but also want to know of suppliers on the East Coast or abroad. The following people are serving as coordinators for various regions: Teri Oikawa-Picante, San Francisco; Scott Haskins, Provo; Judith Rieniets, Oakland; Sarah Fisher, San Diego; A. A. Dwan, Nevada City; Leslie Kruth, Los Angeles; Zora Pinney, West Los Angeles. If you know of a resource, service or supply, please write down the name, address, and telephone number and an annotated description of the service or supply (as applicable). Either send these to the nearest regional representative, or send it directly to WAAC at the Los Angeles County Museum mailing address. If you missed the WAAC Meeting and would like a Resource Booklet. send one dollar ($1) plus 50 cents for postage to WAAC-LACMA and we will send one to you. We still need regional coordinators; if you would like to serve on this committee, please contact Judy Larson at the WAAC mailing address. Hopefully supplement Number One to the Los Angeles Resource booklet will be ready for the autumn meeting in Portland--but only if you send you ideas and suggestions!

Artist Interviews

We all know how time consuming and sometimes futile it is to determine exactly what materials and techniques an artist may have used. As a solution to this problem many of us have been working independently gathering data from contemporary artists about their methods and materials. Our aim for the Artist Interview Committee would be to compile this independently collected information under a basic format for collation and availability to the membership of WAAC. We feel that this type of project is informative and valuable for the present and the future, and is one in which many members of WAAC can easily participate in the course of their work or sphere of contact. An initial committee had been formed from those who signed up at the WAAC meeting, however, all the membership is encouraged to participate by contacting Denise Domergue or Victoria Blyth at the WAAC mailing address. The following people are on the committee: Sharon Donnan, Leslie Kruth, Billie Milam, Andee Morse, Joan Pierson, Donna Mobley, Zora Pinney, Inge-Lise Eckmann, Judith Rieniets, Stan Deralian, Jim Bernstein, Pauline Mohr, Janine Henri, and Betty Engel. We welcome in addition to your data, your suggestions for cover letters and general questionnaires for the artists. We would like to finalize this information at our next meeting so that we may begin our actual interviews.

Committee on the Role of the Conservator in the Development of Museum Program for the Handicapped

We desire to form a small group to study the ways in which conservators can have positive input on the implementation of Bill 504, especially the section dealing with equal access to programs. At this stage our primary concern is with reviewing information or experiences with touch programs, however, other problems such as raised light levels for visually impaired persons will also be considered. Please contact Jim Greaves if you wish to participate or pass on information. It now appears likely that Jim will be organizing an official AIC Committee to study this problem. Please contact him prior to the Toronto meeting where material will be reviewed for his presentation to the June AAM Meeting in Cleveland.

Committee for Monuments in Public Trust

A committee was formed under the chairmanship of Myrna Saxe to develop WAAC guidelines for the treatment of artist monuments and the artistic portions of historic monuments. The guidelines are meant to provide officials of public and private entities with a sequence of steps leading to a professional approach to conservation and preservation. The guidelines will outline such subjects as: pre-contractural diagnosis and analysis consultation with art conservators; treatment specifications as part of the contract; treatments requiring performance by professional art conservators; treatments requiring supervision by art conservators; relations between art conservator, contractor, and owner; etc. A final draft will be presented for approval of the general membership at the next WAAC meeting. Any members interested in participating in this committee should contact Myrna Saxe at (213) 273-3261 or write to 4351 Allot Ave., Sherman Oaks, CA 91423.

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