Volume 1, Number 2, May 1979, p.1

Review of the Business Section at the April WAAC Meeting


While several successful activities took place, the April meeting did focus its attention on some of the critical organizational problems which have hampered the WAAC's effectiveness. Briefly, those in attendance (73 members plus several nonmembers) unanimously affirmed that the WAAC continue to develop as a broad-based association to serve the Western United States. While recognizing the more immediate difficulties imposed by low membership and large geographical distances, it was felt that within a few years the increase in conservators and expansion of our areas of professional concern will justify our decision.

WAAC Name Change

There was again discussion of a name change for WAAC to better reflect the mixed backgrounds of the membership, It was voted to change the name to the Western Association for Art Conservation. However, the implementation of this name change will not go into effect until after the next WAAC meeting in October. This delay was accepted because of two further questions: 1) the inclusion of the specific term "art" in our name; and 2) the larger question as to who will constitute WAAC and its membership categories. Members with suggestions for a more appropriate organization name should contact Leslie Kruth in Los Angeles or Pamela Young and Pauline Mohr in San Francisco before September.

Professional Categories

We believe the general feeling of the membership in attendance at the April Meeting favored the development of the WAAC as an organization of professional conservators with provisions for associate membership for other interested persons. The question of membership will be of primary importance at the October business meeting. Your officers will make specific recommendations at that time. Please send your suggestions and comments to individual officers or to our mailing address at LACMA in order that we may study them prior to the September Newsletter.

Reorganization of Officers and Elections

The membership unanimously accepted the chair's proposal to reorganize the officers, their terms, and the procedures of election. The changes were implemented to facilitate a more practical means of operating such as reduced phone costs and to provide for a certain degree of continuity of leadership and more consistent program planning. Until now the organization has suffered from the abrupt change of officers each election. Therefore, the officers will now be a president; vice-president--who is intended to be program chairman for the autumn meeting which is one year away and who will automatically become president at autumn meeting (elected); secretary-treasurer--indefinite length of office (appointed by current president). It was decided to convert the secretary-treasurer from elected to an appointed position to enable a more practical working relationship with the president at least until such time as we can afford a paid permanent secretary.

In addition to revising the officer structure, the members approved the creation of an executive board to consist of the three officers and three (3) members-at-large (elected). It is intended that the members-at-large be individuals selected to assure geographical balance and to account for the interests of private as well as institutional conservators. It was accepted, that if possible, one of the members-at-large be a past president of WAAC.

The planned procedure for nominations and elections will be as follows: Nominations for officers will be solicited in the May Newsletter. Ballots will be included in the September Newsletter. (Note: All candidates agreeing to run for office will be accepted for the September 1979 Ballot, however, at the October meeting we will discuss the development of a nominating committee for future elections.) The newly elected officers will take over immediately in October (autumn meeting).

New Interim Officers of WAAC

In order to initiate this new organization the following changes and new officers were approved by attending members: James Greaves vacated the office of president to assume a new position of member-at-large until October 1979. Victoria Blyth became the new president to serve until October 1979. David Bull was elected vice-president and will assume the presidency in October 1979. Denise Domergue will continue as secretary-treasurer until October 1979. Ten Oikawa-Picante and Betty Engel were elected to fill the remaining member-at-large positions until October 1979.

1979-80 Nominations

In this Newsletter you will find a combination dues form and nominating form. Nominations are open for those officers who will assume office in October 1979 (i.e., all but president and secretary-treasurer). Please remember that whomever is selected as vice president will become president in October of 1980 and will have the primary responsibility for organizing that annual meeting. Note that because of the brief interim nature of the present officers terms, they may be considered eligible for nominations to 1979-80 offices.

Autumn Annual Meeting

For those not at this past meeting it should be noted that the attending members approved the concept of holding only one "certain" meeting per year. This meeting will be in the autumn, preferably in October or early November, in order not to conflict with the other known professional meetings. Special meetings of WAAC may be called in addition to this autumn annual meeting. We are excited with the prospects of having our next autumn meeting in Portland. This will be the first meeting outside of California and another reaffirmation of our long term goal to serve the needs of conservators in the Western States.

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