Frequency Analysis Introduction
Erich Kesse
The following statistical tables report the frequency of
Library of Congress subject headings, Library of Congress
classification values and Dewey decimal classification values
used in bibliographic records of materials pertaining to the
preservation of archival and library materials. Bibliographic
citations used for this purpose were listed in one or more of the
following bibliographies:
Banks, Paul N. A selective bibliography on the conservation of
research library materials. Chicago, IL : Newberry Library,
Cunha, George Martin. Conservation of library materials.
Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1972. Volume 2.
Cunha, George Martin. Library and archives conservation.
Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1983. Volume 2.
Fox, Lisa. A core collection in preservation. Chicago, IL :
American Library Association, 1988.
Fox, Lisa. "A two year perspective on library preservation."
Library resources & technical services. 30 (July/September
1986), 3 : 290-318.
Morrow, Carolyn Clark. A conservation bibliography for
librarians, archivists, and administrators. Troy, NY :
Whitston Publishing Company, 1979.
Bibliographic citations were searched in and information
recorded from bibliographic records found in the Research
Libraries Information Network (RLIN). Repeated citations were
searched only once. Bibliographic searching was restricted to
monographs, serials and periodicals due to the nature of the
bibliographic database. Journal articles, therefore, were not
searched. The universe of citations reflected the biases of the
bibliographies. As a result, emphases were primarily on book and
paper materials. The final tally of citations was just over 653
Separate reports have been generated for Library of Congress
subject headings, Library of Congress classification values and
Dewey decimal classification values. Each report contains two
tables. The first table details frequency of occurrences,
arranged either alphabetically or in the order of the
classification scheme. The second table details cumulative
frequency, arranged hierarchically by extent of frequency. Only
those occurrences which had more than one percent frequency were
FAX: 904.392.7251. TEL: 904.392.6962.
Frequency Table 1
Cumulative Frequency Report.
Cum % % Frq Dewey Call No. Interpretation
----- ----- -------------- ------------------------------
15.55 15.55 025.7-.84 Maintenance and preservation
of library collections
25.21 9.66 676 Pulp and paper technologies
34.45 9.24 686.30-.36 Bookbinding
38.23 3.78 025.170-.1796 Treatment of special library
and archival material types
41.17 2.94 770 Photography, General works
2.52 069 Museology
2.52 069.5 Museum collections
2.52 091 Manuscripts
2.52 628.92 Fire fighting and safety
53.77 2.52 769 Prints
2.10 668.3 Adhesives technologies
57.97 2.10 751.6-.67 Conservation, preservation,
restoration, maintenance, and
routine care of paintings
1.68 022.3 Library buildings
61.33 1.68 686 Book arts
1.26 070.5 Publishing
1.26 620.12 Wood, Engineering technologies
1.26 632.7 Insect pests, Economic/
Agricultural entomology
1.26 667 Cleaning, coloring, etc.
1.26 686.4 Photoduplication (General)
1.26 727.8 Library buildings
70.15 1.26 760 Graphic arts
Frequency Table 2
Cumulative Frequency Report.
Cum % % Frq LC Call Number Interpretation
----- ----- -------------- ------------------------------
10.63 10.63 Z 701 Conservation and restoration,
including: Book mutilation and
repair; Book-worms and insect
infestation; Book disinfection.
15.80 5.17 Z 269 General bookbinding history
20.69 4.89 Z 271 Bookbinding handbooks and
techniques, including Gilding
and Marbling
24.43 3.74 TS 1109 Paper coating, finishing,
loading, cutting, testing, etc.
27.88 3.45 TS 1105 Paper manufacture, General
special works
2.59 TS 1090-1096 Paper manufacture, history of
33.06 2.59 Z 270 Bookbinding in various regions
and countries
35.36 2.30 Z 266 Bookbinding, General works
1.72 TS 940-985 Tanning of Leather, and related
1.72 Z 4-8 Books and bookmaking, History
1.72 Z 265 Reprography of printed
collections, including library
applications of
42.24 1.72 Z 663 Library of Congress
1.44 HD 9820-9832 Paper industry
45.12 1.44 TR 465 Conservation and restoration of
1.15 TD 881-890 Air pollution
1.15 TP 968 Hot melt adhesives
1.15 TS 1080 Paper manufacture, general
1.15 Z 124-228 Printing, History of
1.15 Z 679.6 Library and book security
1.15 Z 700 Bookbinding (Specific;
including conservation and
53.17 1.15 Z 721-725 History of libraries
Frequency Table 3
Cumulative Frequency Report.
Cum % % Frq Subject Heading
------ ----- -----------------------------------------------
8.455 8.455 Books -- Conservation and restoration
16.075 7.620 Bookbinding
20.877 4.802 Manuscripts -- Conservation and restoration
24.426 3.549 Library materials -- Conservation and
27.871 3.445 Paper industry
30.689 2.818 Paper -- Preservation
2.505 Books
35.699 2.505 Printing
37.787 2.088 Paper
39.457 1.670 Photographs -- Conservation and restoration
40.814 1.357 Libraries -- Security measures
42.067 1.253 Archival materials -- Conservation and
1.148 Art objects -- Conservation and restoration
44.363 1.148 Libraries
Frequency Table 4
Frequency Report.
The right-most column lists classification values from
bibliographic records. The left-most column records their
respective frequency, in percent, out of 238 reported
occurrences. Due to rounding error, the total comes
to 99.55%
% Frq Dewey Call No.
------ --------------
0.42 002
0.42 010.5
0.84 016.02517
0.84 016.0258
0.42 020.93
1.68 022.3
0.42 022.7
0.42 025.129
3.78 025.170-.1796
15.55 025.7-.84
2.52 069
2.52 069.5
0.42 069.53
1.26 070.5
2.52 091
0.84 095
0.42 361.5
0.42 363.11
0.42 363.78
0.84 368.1
0.42 541
0.42 544.9
0.42 551.511
0.42 574.19
0.42 576.165
0.42 589.2
0.42 589.9
0.42 604.7
0.84 609
0.84 614.48
1.26 620.12
0.42 621.32
0.84 621.389
0.42 628.53
2.52 628.92
1.26 632.7
0.84 632.951-.952
0.84 664.028
1.26 667
0.42 667.14
2.10 668.3
0.84 668.4
0.42 674.8
0.84 675
0.42 675.2
9.66 676
0.42 676.042
0.42 676.12
0.84 676.2
0.42 676.23
0.42 676.2824
0.42 685
1.68 686
0.84 686.2
9.24 686.30-.36
1.26 686.4
0.42 686.43-.45
0.42 702
1.26 727.8
0.84 745.531
0.84 745.54
0.84 745.6
0.84 746
0.42 751.2
2.10 751.6-.67
1.26 760
0.42 761.2
0.42 764
2.52 769
2.94 770
0.42 770.283-.287
0.42 778
0.42 778.31
0.84 778.58
Frequency Table 5
Frequency Report.
The right-most column lists classification values from
bibliographic records. The left-most column records their
respective frequency, in percent, out of 348 reported
occurrences. Due to rounding error, the total comes to 100.06%
% Frq LC Call Number
------ --------------
0.29 AM 141
0.57 AM 145
0.29 HD 9155
1.44 HD 9820-9832
0.29 ML 111.5
0.29 N 460
0.29 N 8555
0.86 N 8560
0.29 NC 930
0.29 ND 1260
0.29 ND 1535
0.86 ND 1640
0.29 ND 1650
0.29 ND 2370
0.29 NE 380
0.57 NE 400
0.29 NE 430
0.57 NE 850
0.29 NE 2500
0.57 NK 6200
0.57 NK 8804
0.29 QC 916
0.29 QD 541
0.29 QD 561
0.29 QH 652
0.29 QK 601
0.57 QR 133
0.29 RA 761
0.57 SB 931
0.29 SB 950.95
0.57 SB 951
0.29 SB 951.2
0.29 T 55.3.h3
0.57 TA 419
1.15 TD 881-890
0.29 TD 885.5.S8
0.29 TH 521
0.57 TH 1061-1093
0.29 TH 6057
0.29 TH 9031
0.29 TH 9115
0.29 TH 9241
0.29 TH 9311
0.86 TH 9445.A7
0.29 TH 9945.L5
0.29 TK 4161
0.29 TK 4299.M78
0.29 TP 247.5
0.29 TP 493.5
0.29 TP 932
0.29 TP 935
0.29 TP 936.5
1.15 TP 968
0.29 TP 978
0.29 TP 986.A2
0.57 TP 990-992.5
0.29 TP 1180.C6
0.29 TR 151
0.57 TR 200
1.44 TR 465
0.57 TR 835
0.57 TR 886.3
0.57 TR 925-1045
0.29 TS 729
0.29 TS 933.l5
1.72 TS 940-985
1.15 TS 1080
0.57 TS 1085
2.59 TS 1090-1096
3.45 TS 1105
3.74 TS 1109
0.29 TS 1118
0.29 TS 1125
0.29 TS 1165
0.29 TS 1220
0.29 TS 1445
0.86 TS 2301.P3
0.29 TT 290
0.57 TT 870
0.86 TX 325
1.72 Z 4-8
0.29 Z 45
0.29 Z 48
0.57 Z 110.C7
0.29 Z 112
0.57 Z 116.A2
0.86 Z 116.A3
0.29 Z 116.A4
0.57 Z 118
1.15 Z 124-228
0.86 Z 237-239
0.29 Z 240
0.86 Z 247
0.29 Z 253.5
1.72 Z 265
2.30 Z 266
0.29 Z 266.5
0.29 Z 267
5.17 Z 269
2.59 Z 270
4.86 Z 271
0.86 Z 272
0.57 Z 276
0.29 Z 278
0.29 Z 432.A2
0.29 Z 473
1.72 Z 663
0.86 Z 679
1.15 Z 679.6
0.57 Z 680
0.29 Z 681.M53
0.29 Z 683.5
0.57 Z 684
0.57 Z 685
0.29 Z 688.A2
0.29 Z 688.R3
0.57 Z 692.M5
1.15 Z 700
10.63 Z 701
1.15 Z 721-725
0.29 Z 881
0.29 Z 992
0.57 Z 993-995
0.57 Z 1029
0.86 Z 1030
0.29 Z 1033.M5
0.29 Z 1033.R4
0.29 Z 5140
0.29 Z 5356.F97
0.57 Z 6604-6605
0.29 Z 6946
0.29 Z 7134
0.29 Z 7914.A3
0.29 Z 7914.P2
Frequency Table 6
Frequency Report.
The right-most column lists subject headings from bibliographic
records. The left-most column records their respective
frequency, in percent, out of 958 reported occurrences. Due to
rounding error, the total comes to 99.998%.
% Frq Subject Heading
----- ----------------------------------------------------
0.731 Adhesives
0.626 Air -- Pollution
0.209 Air -- Pollution -- Measurement
0.104 Air -- Purification
0.104 Air conditioning
0.104 Air pollution control industry
1.253 Archival materials -- Conservation and restoration
0.209 Archives -- Conservation and restoration
0.313 Archives -- Fires and fire prevention
0.313 Archives -- Security measures
0.626 Art -- Conservation and restoration
0.209 Art -- Hinging
0.209 Art -- Matting
1.148 Art objects -- Conservation and restoration
0.104 Artists' materials
0.313 Audio-visual materials -- Preservation and storage
0.104 Bibliographical exhibitions
0.835 Bibliography
0.209 Book boxes
0.209 Book covers
0.626 Book design
0.731 Book industries and trade
0.104 Book jackets
0.418 Book ornamentation
0.418 Book thefts
0.209 Book-plates
0.418 Book-worms
0.209 Bookbinders
7.620 Bookbinding
0.104 Bookbinding -- Cloth bindings
0.731 Bookbinding -- Exhibitions
0.418 Bookbinding -- Gilding
0.418 Bookbinding -- Materials, etc.
0.939 Bookbinding -- Repairing
0.939 Bookbinding -- Specimens
0.209 Bookbinding -- Stamped bindings
0.209 Bookbinding machinery
0.209 Bookbinding, Islamic
2.505 Books
8.455 Books -- Conservation and restoration
0.209 Books -- Deacidification
0.418 Books -- Mutilation, defacement, etc.
0.104 Books -- Storage
0.313 Books on microfilm
0.104 Brittle books
0.418 Cellulose
0.104 Cellulose fibers
0.104 Chromatographic analysis
0.104 Chromolithography
0.104 Collection development (Libraries)
0.104 Color prints
0.418 Color-printing
0.104 Computer output microfilm -- Library applications
0.104 Computer storage devices
0.209 Copying processes
0.104 Cotton fabrics -- Preservation
0.522 Cultural property, Protection of
0.104 Dampness in buildings
0.104 Decorative paper
0.104 Diazo microfilm -- Effects of light on
0.209 Disaster relief
0.522 Disaster relief -- Planning
0.104 Disasters
0.209 Disinfection and disinfectants
0.209 Documents on microfilm
0.313 Drawing -- Conservation and restoration
0.209 Dyes and dyeing
0.104 Dyes and dyeing -- Leather
0.209 Dyes and dyeing -- Paper
0.104 Electric lamps
0.104 Electric lighting
0.209 Endpapers
0.209 Engraving
0.209 Engraving -- Conservation and restoration
0.104 Environmental monitoring
0.104 Ethylene oxide
0.209 Fibers
0.104 Fillers (in paper, paint, etc.)
0.104 Fire detectors
0.313 Fire extinction
0.418 Fire prevention
0.104 Fire sprinklers
0.209 Firebrat -- Control
0.209 Floods
0.104 Fore-edge painting
0.104 Freeze-drying
0.104 Fumigation
0.209 Fungi
0.313 Fungicides
0.313 Hides and skins
0.104 Household pests
0.104 Humidity
0.209 Humidity -- Control
0.104 Hydrogen-ion concentration -- Measurement
0.104 Hygrometry
0.522 Illumination of books and manuscripts
0.209 Illustrated books
0.418 Illustration of books
0.313 Incunabula -- Conservation and restoration
0.104 Information storage and retrieval systems
0.418 Ink
0.209 Insecticides
0.835 Leather
0.104 Leather -- Defects
0.104 Leather -- Testing
0.104 Leather industry and trade
0.313 Leather work
0.418 Leather work -- Conservation and restoration
0.209 Legal documents -- Conservation and restoration
1.148 Libraries
0.313 Libraries -- Fires and fire prevention
0.209 Libraries -- Insurance
1.357 Libraries -- Security measures
0.104 Libraries -- Special collections
0.313 Libraries -- Special collections -- Microforms
0.313 Libraries -- Special collections -- Non-book
materials -- Conservation and restoration
0.104 Libraries -- Special collections -- Slides
0.626 Library architecture
0.104 Library buildings
0.626 Library buildings -- Fires and fire prevention
0.209 Library buildings -- Lighting
0.209 Library cooperation
0.418 Library fittings and supplies
3.549 Library materials -- Conservation and restoration
0.104 Library materials -- Deterioration
0.104 Library materials -- Reproduction
0.418 Library planning
0.104 Library surveys
0.104 Lighting
0.104 Lignin
0.104 Magnetic tapes -- Preservation and storage
0.209 Manuscripts (Papyri) -- Conservation and restoration
4.802 Manuscripts -- Conservation and restoration
0.209 Manuscripts -- Reproduction
0.209 Maps -- Conservation and restoration
0.418 Marbled papers
0.522 Marbling (Bookbinding)
0.209 Microcards -- Catalogs
0.104 Microfilms -- Catalogs
0.209 Microfilms -- Deterioration
0.209 Microforms
0.313 Microforms -- Catalogs
0.104 Microforms -- Evaluation
0.104 Micrographics
0.209 Micrographics -- Library applications
0.418 Microphotography
0.104 Microphotography -- Equipment and supplies
0.313 Motion picture film -- Preservation and storage
0.104 Mulberry
0.104 Museum buildings
0.418 Museum conservation methods
0.104 Museum conservation methods -- Statistics
0.104 Museum conservation methods -- Tropical conditions
0.209 Museums -- Climatic factors
0.209 Museums -- Lighting
0.104 Museums -- Security measures
0.209 Newspapers
0.313 Newspapers -- Conservation and restoration
0.104 Newspapers in microform
0.209 Newspapers on microfilm
0.104 Out-of-print books
0.104 Out-of-print books -- Catalogs
0.626 Painting -- Conservation and restoration
2.088 Paper
0.209 Paper -- Analysis
0.939 Paper -- Deterioration
0.209 Paper -- Microscopy
2.818 Paper -- Preservation
0.522 Paper -- Sample books
0.835 Paper -- Testing
0.104 Paper finishing
3.445 Paper industry
0.104 Paper sizing
0.313 Paper work
0.522 Paper, Handmade
0.104 Paperboard
0.835 Papermaking
0.104 Papermaking machinery
0.104 Papyrus (The plant)
0.418 Parchment
0.209 Paste papers
0.104 Periodicals in microform
0.104 Pesticides
0.104 Pesticides -- Environmental aspects
0.104 Pesticides -- Law and legislation
0.418 Pests -- Control
0.209 Photocopying processes
0.104 Photocopying services in libraries
1.670 Photographs -- Conservation and restoration
0.104 Photographs -- Trimming, mounting, etc.
0.522 Photography
0.104 Photography -- Films
0.104 Photography -- Printing processes
0.209 Photography -- Processing
0.209 Photomechanical processes
0.209 Pigments
0.104 Plasticizers
0.104 Plastics
0.104 Polyester films
0.104 Preservation of materials
0.209 Printers
2.505 Printing
0.313 Printing -- Specimens
0.104 Printing, Practical
0.209 Printing-ink
0.104 Printmakers
0.209 Prints
0.313 Prints -- Conservation and restoration
0.522 Prints -- Technique
0.104 Prints, Japanese -- Conservation and restoration
0.104 Public records -- Conservation and restoration
0.209 Rare books
0.209 Rare books -- Conservation and restoration
0.209 Records -- Fires and fire prevention
0.104 Reprints (Publications)
0.104 Scrolls -- Conservation and restoration
0.104 Shelving (for books)
0.104 Shelving (for non-book materials)
0.209 Silverfish (Insect) -- Control
0.313 Solvents
0.313 Sound recordings -- Conservation and restoration
0.104 Sound recordings -- Preservation and storage
0.104 Stains and staining (Microscopy)
0.104 Starch
0.209 Sulphur dioxide
0.313 Tanning
0.104 Termites -- Control
0.522 Textile fabrics -- Conservation and restoration
0.104 Textile fibers
0.104 Textile fibers, Synthetic
0.104 Textile industry
0.104 Vellum printed books -- Conservation and restoration
0.209 Video tapes -- Preservation and storage
0.104 Vinyl acetate
0.104 Waste paper
0.731 Water-marks
0.731 Wood-pulp
0.209 Writing -- Materials and instruments
Erich J. Kesse.
Preservation Office.
University of Florida Libraries.
Fax: 904.392.7251.