JAIC 2003, Volume 42, Number 2, Article 8 (pp. 313 to 339)
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Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
JAIC 2003, Volume 42, Number 2, Article 8 (pp. 313 to 339)




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Ercalene, cellulose nitrate lacquer (1963)

W. Canning & Co. 77 St. John St. London E.C.1, U.K.

Incralac (1970s), lacquer containing Paraloid (Acry-loid) B-44 and benzotriazole

Frank Joel of London Company no longer exists.

Maranyl or Calaton (1950s), soluble nylon

I.C.I. (Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.) Millbank London S.W.1, U.K.

Unichrome Lacquer A140 (1940s)

Metal & Thermit Corporation 100 East 42d St. New York 17, N.Y. Company no longer exists.

Cosmolloid 80 Hard microcrystalline wax (1950s)

Astor, Boisellier & Laurence Ltd. 9 Savoy St. London WC2, England

Renaissance Wax (1970s), mixture of Cosmolloid 80 Hard wax and BASF Wax A

Picreator Enterprises Ltd. 44 Park View Gardens London N.W. 4, U.K.

Earth mineral wax

A. F. Suter and Co. Ltd. Thames House 18 Park Street London S.E. 1 9EQ, U.K.

Hoechst PA190 wax (1960s)

Hoechst Chemicals Ltd. 50 Jermyn St. London S.W.1, U.K.

Hopkins and Williams Filtered Paraffin wax

Chadwell Heath Essex, England Company no longer exists.


ALICE BOCCIA PATERAKIS has an MAC (master of art conservation) from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Since 1986 she has been head of conservation of the Agora Excavations for the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, Greece. She has carried out research into the contamination of ceramics by soluble salts and the corrosion of copper alloys, with particular interest in determining the criteria for the formation and behavior of these compounds. Address: Agora Excavations, American School of Classical Studies, 54 Souidias St., Athens 10676 Greece.

Copyright � 2003 American Institution for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works