JAIC , Volume 39, Number 3, Article 1 (pp. to )
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Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
JAIC , Volume 39, Number 3, Article 1 (pp. to )




Our sincere gratitude extends to Ernst Becker, G�nter M�ller, and Dr. Wolfgang W�chter; to Prof. Dr. Gerhard Banik and Gesa Kolbe; to Dan Kushel and Dr. Christopher Tahk; to Luigina Chiaberta, Mika Koyano, Sam Bryer, and Florence Darbre Gubbins.


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IRENE BR�CKLE is associate professor in the Art Conservation Department at Buffalo State College, where she has taught paper conservation since 1994. She holds an M.A. in art history from the State University of New York at Buffalo, where she currently is a Ph.D. student in comparative literature. She received her conservation training in Germany, where she also acquired a journeyman's certificate as a bookbinder. Address: Art Conservation Department, RH 230, Buffalo State College, 1300 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. 14222; brueckle@buffnet.net

JANA DAMBROGIO recently graudated from the Art Conservation Department at Buffalo State College. She completed her third-year internship working at the Book Conservation Department of the J. Pierpont Morgan Library in New York City under the supervision of Ms. Deborah Evetts. Address as for Br�ckle. janad17@hotmail.com

Received for review February 1, 2000. Revised manuscript received June 1, 2000. Accepted for publication June 26, 2000.