JAIC 1991, Volume 30, Number 1, Article 5 (pp. 41 to 73)
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Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
JAIC 1991, Volume 30, Number 1, Article 5 (pp. 41 to 73)




THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES continually seeks to develop the best means to preserve its photographic records. Much recent work has been devoted to understanding the nature and needs of 19th-century negatives. During this work records were kept of the appearance and condition of these negatives and of the materials and methods used for their care. The Archives staff plans to monitor further changes in these negatives and to investigate the causes of such changes. Should new and safe methods be discovered to reverse existing damage, these methods will be considered. The staff at the National Archives hopes that future generations will find the records of the preservation approach valuable and the decisions sound. We also hope that our work will benefit other institutions and individuals responsible for the safekeeping of our photographic heritage.


THIS PHOTOGRAPHIC preservation project involved the collaborative efforts of the archival staff of the Still Pictures Branch, conservators, photographic technology specialists, conservation scientists, facilities engineers, and a supportive administrative staff.

I wish to thank many people who have contributed to the success of this project and to the completion of this paper: Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler, Debbie Hess Norris, Ed McCarter, Elizabeth Hill, Doug Munson of the Chicago Albumen Works, Susan Lee-Bechtold, Karen Garlick, Beth Napier-Cain, Ramanathan Panayappan, Nora Kennedy, Janet Shrenck, David Salisbury of Perkin-Elmer Corporation, Doug Severson, Kenneth E. Harris, Peter Liebhold, Mary McCabe, Neal McCabe, Bobbye West, Norvell Jones, Susan Barger, John Collins, Nancy Reinhold, James M. Reilly , Allen Johnson, Holly Reed, Tim Bradley, Carrie Beyer, Frank Hengemhle, Chandru Shahani, and the staff of the Still Pictures Branch.

Copyright � 1991 American Institute of Historic and Artistic Works