JAIC 1983, Volume 22, Number 2, Article 1 (pp. 57 to 61)
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Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
JAIC 1983, Volume 22, Number 2, Article 1 (pp. 57 to 61)


J.K Hutchins


THANKS are due to Dennis Piechota of Arlington, MA for his comments; and to Helen Burgess of the Canadian Conservation Institute for suggesting additional references.


Baynes-Cope, D., “Some observations on foxing at the British Museum Research Laboratory,” Int. Biodetn. Bull. 12 (1976): 31–33.

Bogaty, H., Campbell, K.S., and Appel, W.D., “Some observations on the evaporation of water from cellulose,” TRJ22 (1952): 75–82.

Bogle, M., “The uses for organic solvents in textile conservation,” ICOM 6th Triennial Meeting, Ottawa1981.

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Bone, W.H. and Turner, H.A., “Some effects of the evaporation of water from cellulose,” J. Soc. Dyers and Colourists66 (1950): 315–327.

Cain, C.E., and Miller, B.A., “Photographic, spectral and chromatographic searches into the nature of foxing,” Preprints of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the AIC, Milwaukee1982, 54–62.

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Hodge, J.E., “Chemistry of browning reactions in model systems,” J. Ag. and Food Chem.1 (1953): 928–940.

Hutchins, J.K., The water-soluble components of degraded cellulose (MS thesis), North Carolina State University1981.

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Madaras, G.W., and Turner, H.A., “Further observations on the effects of evaporating water from cotton cellulose,” J. Soc. Dyers and Colourists69 (1953): 371–377.

Meynell, G.G., and Newsam, R.J., “Foxing, a fungal infection of paper,” Nature274 (1978): 466–468

Mithel, B.B., Webster, G.H., and Rapson, W.H., “The action of water on cellulose between 100 and 225�C,” TAPPI40 (1957): 1–4.

Press, R., “Observations on the foxing of paper,” Int. Biodetn. Bull.12 (1976): 27–30.

Rollinson, S.M., “The colored water-soluble materials of heated bleached kraft pulps,” TAPPI38 (1955): 186–192.

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Strachan, J., “Solubility of cellulose in water,” Nature141 (1938): 332.

Copyright � 1983 American Institute of Historic and Artistic Works