Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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snail marble

A drawn marble pattern executed by dropping the colors on the size as for the NONPAREIL MARBLE and then drawing them into wavy lines. one by one with the aid of a stylus. thus producing snail-like forms. Variations of this pattern, which is usually used on the edges of books. include: 1) the gray snail. with green added to the gray until the desired tone is obtained; 2) the common green-gray snail, with black, light blue, yellow. pink, light red, gall water. and finally. the body color. which consists of one part black and two or three parts sprinkling water, all dropped on in the order given and drawn into snails; 3) the dark blue snail (a brilliant marble designed for light-colored bindings), which consists of black, light brown, light blue, lemon yellow, gall water and the body color, which consists of one part black and two parts indigo blue, sprinkling water plus a solution of shellac and ammonia; 4) the dark red snail (which was frequently used with half bindings having light colored spines and endpapers of the same pattern), consisting of black, light red, pink, light gray. gall water and the body color, which consists of two parts carmine lake, one part black and two parts sprinkling water plus the shellac-ammonia solution; and 5) the gray-green snail, consisting of black, claret red (two parts carmine lake and one part black), pink, gall water (which forms the required white veins) and the body color, which consists of one part black. three parts sprinkling water, as well as green. (151 )

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