Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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side stitching

A method of securing the leaves or sections of a book with wire staples, from front to back of the entire thickness of the text block. Side stitching is one of the strongest forms of construction and is frequently used in binding textbooks; it is also a common method of binding periodical issues made up of leaves or more than one section, and which, therefore, cannot be saddle stitched. The stitching is done by means of a machine that cuts the wire, forms it into a staple, drives it through the paper, and clinches it from the other side. Flat-wire staples of galvanized iron or aluminized iron are usually employed. Flat staples are used to provide flatter surface on the side of the publication than could be obtained with round staples.

The disadvantage of side stitching is that it affords almost no openability in the book; consequently the publication must be designed with wider margins and more flexible paper in order to compensate for the lack of flexibility. Also called 'stab stitching." Cf: SIDE SEWING . (179 , 316 , 339 )

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