Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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du Seuil, Augustin 1673-1746)

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A celebrated Parisian bookbinder who held the position of royal binder to Louis XV of France. Du Seuil employed lavish doublures and rectangular panels with an armorial panel in the center. He was one of the first bookbinders to execute MOSAIC BINDINGS , although PADELOUP is generally credited with their introduction. He is the only French binder written of in English literature, being mentioned in Pope's fourth moral essay:

    His study! With what authors is it stored?
    In books, not authors, curious is my Lord;
    To all their dated backs he turns you round;
    These Aldus printed, those du Seuil bound.

Du Seuil married into the Padeloup family and worked with Antoine Michel Padeloup at the beginning of Padeloup's career. (94 ,372 ).

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