Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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1. A roll of material, e.g., parchment. usually bearing writing and rolled onto rods, which were usually fitted with handles. The scroll, and early forms of manuscript, was called volumen (roll) by the Romans, and is the word from which volume is derived. The scroll (or roll) consisted of a number of sheets of papyrus, parchment, etc., glued together to form a long strip and wound on a rod. The scroll was generally fitted with a parchment cover, fastened with laces, and finished with a "sittybus", or title label. Sometimes the scroll or scrolls were kept in a SCRINIUM . The text was written in relatively narrow columns on the recto side of the material, which in the case of papyrus was the side having the horizontal strips. 2. A decorative motif consisting of any of several spiral or convoluted forms, resembling the cross section of a loosely rolled strip of paper and generally used between flowers on a ROLL (1) (12 , 183 , 250 )

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