score ( scored, scoring )
To impart a linear indentation or crease in a
sheet of heavyweight paper or lightweight board by
pressing it between two metal surfaces, one of
which has a recessed groove and the other a
tongue. The scoring may also be done with a dull
blade. The score is made along the line at which
the sheet is to be folded or turned. It alters the
sheet structure by compressing the fibers in such
a manner as to provide a hinge and increases the
number of times the sheet can be flexed before
failure. Scoring may be done on the printing
press, folding machine, or in the bindery. In
bookbinding, and especially library binding (when
a book is to be oversewn), scoring is frequently
necessary because of the weight of the paper
(particularly cover papers), incorrect machine
direction of the paper, i.e., vertical to the
binding edge, or both. (17 , 58 )