Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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roller backer

A bookbinding machine, invented by the American, Charles Starr and exhibited by him in 1851 at the London exposition. It is used to create the backing shoulders of a text block which has previously been rounded, usually by hand. It consists of a heavy roller pivoted above a pair of jaws. The book is clamped with that part of the text block equal to the extent of the backing shoulders projecting above the jaws. The roller is adjusted so that it swings back and forth across the jaws in an arc that corresponds to the round of the spine. The roller is then lowered so that it presses on the spine and is rocked back and forth to shape the spine into the proper shape, bending the sections over the jaws and thus creating the shoulders. If too great a pressure is applied directly to the spine, the sections may be buckled and creased on the binding edge; in addition, the endpapers and several leaves of the first and last sections may be cut by the edges of the jaws. See also: BACKING ;ROUNDING AND BACKING MACHINE . (164 , 339 )

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