Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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reversed v-guard

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A folded GUARD (1) to which a section is sewn, the folds of the guard meeting in reverse. The guard consists of several strips of paper folded with the two open ends being folded back on the guard, either together or in opposite directions; the guard may be folded over in one direction on itself and the section sewn at either end, or it may be folded over in opposite directions on itself and one or two sections sewn to it, depending on Re the thickness of the sections and amount of sewing swell required. Generally, the paper used for the guard (before folding) should be one-fourth the thickness of the section, so that when it has been folded it will be of equal thickness. The reversed V technique is used if the paper of the book is too thick to be sewn in the usual manner, and if it is not possible or desirable to hinge the leaves on linen guards, such as in an album. In addition, such a guard may be required because there is writing in the folds of the sections which would be made inaccessible by the usual manner of sewing and binding. The reversed v-guard technique places considerable strain on the sewing thread and folds of the section, particularly if the guards throw out far from the spine. Also called "meeting guard." (236 )

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