Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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1. The ribbon or cord marker attached to a book to serve as a bookmark. It is usually run under the headband (if any) and glued to the spine. Generally, the register is about 1 inch longer than the distance from the head of the book at the spine, taken diagonally to the outer corner of the tail. Registers are not used as often as in the past, possibly because of the rising cost of edition binding. They are still found fairly frequently in devotional books, especially Bibles, and cookbooks. When two registers are used, as with some cookbooks and other publications, they are called "double registers." Also called "bookmark." 2. A list of the quires or sections of a book, often printed at the end of early printed books, particularly those printed in Italy, to assist the binder in assembling and collating a complete copy in the correct order. The list may contain catchwords, signature marks, or a combination thereof. 3. In printing, a term used to indicate that the type area of the recto of the sheet coincides exactly with that of the verso; also the adjustment of color blocks so that colors are superimposed with exact accuracy. Register is of considerable importance in multi-colored printing. 4. In folding, the exact alignment of images so that the print of one leaf is exactly over that of the preceding and following leaves. 5. A book in which binding and other records are kept. 6. In paper ruling, a sheet is said to be in register when ruled on both sides the lines coincide exactly. (17 , 83 , 107 , 156 , 241 )

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