Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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pulled paste papers

Decorative end- and cover papers produced by applying colored paste to the surface of two sheets of paper, pressing the pasted surfaces together, and slowly pulling them apart. The result is a veined or feathery design on both paste-covered surfaces, and, if more than one color of paste is used, the various colors blend in a free design. Blue, red, and yellow pastes were frequently used in the execution of these papers.

Pulled paste papers were used as cover papers on German and Italian pamphlets and as endpapers for the heavily blocked or plain leather bindings of the 18th century. A variation of the technique consisted of laying a soft string or thin strips of felt between the two sheets. When these were rubbed down, the material which had been laid over left white areas on the paper in whatever pattern it had been arranged. These papers seem to have been produced most often in a single color, usually dull blue or terra-cotta; however, there are also examples, often found in German and Italian books of the 18th century, in red, yellow, and violet, in which circles of felt were used to produce an effect of small round doughnutlike patterns. (217 )

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