Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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1. A leaf or leaves of a book purposely left untrimmed by the binder as evidence that the book has not been unduly trimmed. Proof assumes that at least one of the sections of the book is shorter than the others. The practice, which is now virtually obsolete, stems from the time when binders, and even very fine binders, had the reputation of cutting down the leaves of a book as much as possible. 2. An impression made from type before the printing run is begun. The first proof is corrected by the printer's reader or corrector and returned to the compositor. After the printer is satisfied with the type as set, a proof is sent to the author for correction. This proof is usually on a long sheet of normal width, called a galley proof. After the author has made his corrections the type is made up into pages, page numbers and running heads are added, and a final page proof is sent to the author. In modern practice the author often sees only the galleys. 3. A preliminary impression taken from an engraved plate or block, or a lithographic stone. Usually called a "trial proof." 4. An impression taken from a finished plate or block before the regular impression is published and usually before the title or other inscription is added. Also called "proof print" or"proof impression." (12 , 156 , 241 )

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