Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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Pablos, Juan

An Italian printer (Giovanni Paoli), appointed by Juan Comberger, the leading printer of Seville, to serve as compositor and manager of a printing establishment in Mexico. Pablos thus became the first known printer in the Western Hemisphere. The first book issued by the press, of which there is any definite record, was dated 1539, the same year the press was established. Records do not indicate that r any bookbinder was associated with the press; therefore it is possible that Pablos himself did the binding.

Some authorities contend that printing in the Western Hemisphere began even before 1539. Early Mexican records mention a printer by the name of Estaban Martin, but there is no record of anything he may have printed. An early letter from the Archbishop to the King of Spain, however, would seem to indicate that attempts were made to establish a press before Pablos arrived in Mexico. (235 )

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