Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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non-woody fibrous material

Vegetable and synthetic materials used in the manufacture of paper and board. Of the many such materials, both organic and inorganic, the most important today are cotton, esparto linen and straw. For a number of reasons the types of fiber which have proved commercially worthwhile are somewhat limited, and have become even more so as the size and productive capacity of papermaking mills have increased. Among the qualifications which satisfactory materials must possess are: 1) sufficient fiber length to provide the desired strength in the paper; 2) ready reducibility to the fiber form, and separation from accompanying impurities and ingredients which might be harmful to the paper; 3) availability in very large quantities and within a reasonable distance from the mill; 4) not too great bulk per unit of fiber produced; and 5) low cost per ton of fiber produced. (324 )

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