Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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mudéjar style

A style of Spanish bookbinding of the 13th and early 14th centuries. In the most typical of such bindings the main decorative feature consists of a blind geometrical pattern with double outline interlacings (strapwork), with either all or part of the background being filled in with dots, small tools, and the like. Various types of small oblong or square stamps were also used, not all mudéjar in character. In typical Muslim tradition, however, tools representing living creatures were avoided. Although the characteristic mudéjar binding was decorated in blind, later bindings were decorated in both blind and gold. Most of the mudéjar bindings have wooden boards (and the remainder pasteboards) and the majority are covered in CORDOVAN LEATHER .

The name derives from the Mudéjares, or Moors, who remained in Spain during and after the Christian reconquest of that country. See also:GÓTICO-MUDÉJAR STYLE . (245 , 330 )

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