Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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Mahieu, Thomas ( active 1549-65 )

The 16th century bibliophile, who, along with Grolier, was the most celebrated collector of his day. Mahieu's collection, which belongs to the period 1550 to 1565, included bindings, some of which were done by Claude de Picques, with punched and gilded backgrounds for designs, or curved strapwork and arabesques, with ornaments in outline or azured. Some bindings are lavishly ornamented with colored onlays on a gilt background. Many are inscribed "Tho. Maioli et Amicorvm," (the Latinized form of his name being Maiolus). About 90 bindings survive, ranging in quality from adequate to very superior.

Mahieu, who may have been a native of Italy, was secretary to Catherine de Medicis from 1549 to 1560 and later a treasurer of France, as was Grolier, whom Mahieu probably knew. (168 , 347 , 373 )

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