Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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Koberger, Anton ( 1440-1513 )

A Nürnberg printer and publisher and one of the most productive of all Nurnberg craftsmen of his time. Koberger's books are often in fine bindings, characterized by a floral diaper in the center panel of the upper cover, flanked by stems of ornamental foliage wound around a ragged staff. On the lower cover, there is usually no diaper; instead there are lozenge compartments formed by diagonal fillets often enclosing a characteristic tool—a griffin with scaly extended wings. Koberger's books frequently have the title lettered in large Gothic letters in gilt on the upper cover. The panels on the spine often contain large rosettes scattered in an irregular manner. While it has been suggested that the books published by the Koberger firm were bound there, the correspondence of the firm from 1493 to 1525 mentions neither bookbinding nor anything relating to the binding process. (141 , 347 )

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