Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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The overall dimension of a bound volume from head to tail, including the squares. Library binders frequently base their prices for binding on the height of the volume up to a specified thickness, e.g., 2 1/2 inches. The volumes are priced on the basis of each additional 1 or 2 inches, beginning with a minimum height, usually 8 inches, as for example:
    Library Books                                Cost
    Up to and including 8 inches                 Basic price
    Over 8 inches and including 9 inches         Higher price
    Over 9 inches and including 10 inches        Higher price
    Over 10 inches and including 11 inches       Higher price
    Over 11 inches                               Higher price
    Up to and including 10 inches                Basic price
    Over 10 inches and including 12 inches       Higher price
    Over 12 inches and including 14 inches       Higher price
    Over 14 inches and including 16 inches       Higher price
    Over 16 inches                               Higher price

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