gum arabic
A water-soluble gum obtained from several species
of the acacia tree, especially Acacia
senegal and A. arabica , and used in
the manufacture of adhesives and ink, and as a
binding medium for marbling colors. Historically,
gum arabic was used to increase the viscosity of
ink, or to make it flow well, to prevent it from
feathering, and to suspend the coloring matter. It
was particularly important in the days of the reed
or quill pen. Solutions of gum arabic have long
been used as adhesives for paper, but they are
little used today. Gum arabic adhesives produce
clear, easy brushing solutions which have no
marked initial set but which will pass through a
tacky stage on drying. The properties for which
they are valued include ready solution in water
following drying, readiness for immediate use,
cleanliness and ease of application. Gum arabic
adhesives, however, are generally too moisture
sensitive for use in archival work. Also called
"acacia gum." (198 )