Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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A tannin obtained from the leaves and stems of Uncaria gambir, a shrubby climber found in Indonesia and surrounding areas. It contains catechu-tannic acid (22 to 50%) and catechin (7 to 33%), as well as varying amounts of vegetable acids and their salts, sugar, starch, cellulose, wax, oil, and mineral matter. The catechin is not identical with that of CUTCH . It is one of the condensed tannins and has a relatively high pH value and total salts content. Used alone, gambier produces a rather spongy leather; however, when used in combination with other tannins, such as wattle extract or myrabolans, it is well suited for both heavy and light leathers. In England, it has been used mainly for the tannage of calf and kip skins. Also known as "catechu," "pale catechu," and "terra japonica." See also: VEGETABLE TANNINS . (175 )

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