Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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foliaged staff

A finishing stamp cut in the form of a branch entwined with foliage, sometimes intertwined with berries. A foliaged staff is usually used to form a frame. (250 )
 Section Size  Symbol      Customary     Leaves  Pages
                        Number of Folds
Folio             fo           1            2      4
Quarto           4to           2            4      8
Sixmo            6to        varies          6     12
Octavo           8vo           3            8     16
Twelvemo        12mo       varies          12     24
Sixteenmo       16mo           4           16     32
Eighteenmo      18mo        varies         18     36
Twenty-fourmo   24mo        varies         24     48
Thirty-twomo    32mo           5           32     64
Thirty-sixmo    36mo        varies         36     72
Forty-eightmo   48mo        varies         48     96
Sixty-fourmo    64mo        varies         64    128

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