Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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Fogel, Johannes ( fl 1455-?1460 )

One of the most celebrated of German bookbinders, Fogel bound at least one and perhaps as many as four copies of the Gutenberg Bible, one of which bears his signature. Fogel's tools included a rope knot and a lute player stamp, as well as triple fillets accompanied by rosettes. He also worked finely made headbands in red, white, and blue silk. All of his bindings are decorated in a manner characteristic of ERFURT BINDINGS , having the long, narrow center panel enclosed in a broad border, with all lines crossing at the ends to form squares in the corners.

Little is known of Fogel after 1460. All of his extant signed bindings are thought to have been bound at Erfurt before 1460, and by 1461 some of his stamps were being used in conjunction with others and without his signature on the bindings, but it is not known whether he retired from binding or just stopped signing his bindings. In 1462 his lute player and rope knot finishing tools appear on a binding signed by Paulus Lehener. It is possible, although probably unlikely, that he discarded some tools and acquired others. (141 )

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