Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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1. The degree of brilliance, pliability and working qualities of cloth, leather, or paper. 2. To letter and/or decorate a book. See: FINISHING .

3. the surface properties of a sheet of paper as determined by its surface contour, gloss, and general appearance. It is a property which is usually determined visually. In uncoated printing papers, there are five major finishes recognized under the general terminology of machine-finish papers; in order of decreasing degree of smoothness, they are: English, machine, vellum, eggshell, and antique. For papers of higher finish, see: SUPERCALENDER finish.

Writing papers, including bonds, ledges, and manilas, generally have finishes called cockle, glazed, machine, supercalendered, and vellum. The finishes used for cover paper include antique, machine, plate, supercalendered, and vellum. The principal finishes for bristols are antique, eggshell, plate, and vellum. (17 , 72 )

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