Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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fatty acids

Monobasic acids which contain only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They consist of an alkyl radical attached to the carboxyl group, and when saturated have the general formula (C_nH_2nO_2) Formic and acetic acids are the two lowest members of this saturated series. Unsaturated fatty acids follow several series, including: 1) the oleic acid series (C_nH_2n-2O_2); 2) the linoleic acid series (C_nH_2n-4O_2); and 3) the linolenic acid series (C_nH_2n-6O_2). There are also other naturally occurring fatty acids that are found in nature mainly as glycerides, which constitute the most important part of the fats and oils, and as esters of other alcohols and the waxes.

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