Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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Derome style

A style of book decoration practiced by the Derome family of France in the 18th century. The most famous of the family was Nicolas Denis Derome (active 1761-c 1789)—Derome le juene—who was also known the the "great cropper" because of his tendency to trim excessively. Nicolas Derome also used sawn-in cords in order to obtain theHOLLOW BACK , which prevents the spine of the book from flexing and thus possibly cracking the gold. He also achieved great fame by his use of the DENTELLE border, taking the dentelles of Padeloup as models. His also are made up of dentelle tools in combination, rather than in repetition, and are represented by symmetrical corner tooling of a very richly engraved floriated scroll work. An essential feature in Nicolas Derome's finest dentelles is a small bird with outstretched wings. See also: DENTELLE À L'OISEAU . (154 , 342 ,363 , 373 )

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