Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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club bindery

A fine hand bindery founded in 1895 by Edwin Holden, Robert Hoe, and other wealthy American bibliophiles, most of whom were members of the Grolier Club. The purpose of the Club Bindery was to provide American bibliophiles with bookbindings of a quality equal to those available in Europe, thus avoiding the delays and other inconveniences of having to send books to Europe to have them bound. William Matthews was given the responsibility of organizing the shop, and he proceeded to hire the Clubs' first craftsmen, Frank Mansell, finisher, and R. W. Smith, forwarder. Other craftsmen employed by the bindery included Henri Hardy and Leon and Paul Maillard, French finishers; Adolf Dehertog and Charles Micolci, a coverer and assistant finisher, respectively; Mary Neill, sewer; Anna Berger, mender, repairer, etc.; and others.

The Club Bindery exerted a considerable influence on fine binding in America; unfortunately, however, not even the wealthiest of the stockholders had the resources to supply sufficient work to keep the bindery going. Efforts to transfer ownership of the club to the employees failed and the Club Bindery went out of existence in April of 1909. (331 )

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