Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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A method generally used in the larger abattoirs for curing hides and skins for transportation to tanneries. After flaying. the hides are washed thoroughly to remove blood and soluble protein matter and the hair is scraped under a spray of water. The flesh side is brushed vigorously to remove surplus flesh. The hides are then hung in pits or run in large paddles in a very strong solution of sodium chloride. using 30 pounds of salt to every 10 gallons of water. This gives a very good and uniform salt penetration for heavy hides in 1 to 14 hours. The hides are then drained and piled and treated with salt in the WET-SALTING process. The purity and strength of the brine must be checked before it is reused, as it may become contaminated with halophilic bacteria. The use of a salt solution as a preliminary treatment for preserving cowhides has been standard practice in South America for many years, and has been in commercial use in the United States since about 1935. Brining, followed by wet-salting, is a more expensive method of cure than salting alone; however, it reduces putrefactive damage to the hides to a considerable extent over simple salting. (248 , 306 )

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