Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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Bonet Paul ( 1899-1972 )

An artisan and bibliophile who turned to the art of creating designs, Bonet was probably the most influential French designer of bookbindings of his day. He was at first influenced by the bindings of PIERRE LE GRAIN . While his early work was in purely geometrical gold fillet design, his later creations were related more closely to the spirit and theme of the book being decorated. Bonet had available to him the best bookbinders and gilders in Paris, and with them he concentrated on the contrasting textures of leathers, wood, and even metals, with surfaces scultptured and pierced, achieving nearly mathematical repetition of linear forms and even surrealist effects produced by collage and photography. See PLATE IX . (104 , 347 )

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