Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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beveled boards ( beveled edges )

The boards of a book, and especially the large, thick boards of heavy books. which have been cut or sanded on the outside or inside edge along the head, tail, and fore edge. The purpose of beveling is to remove the clumsy effect of thick boards and create a pleasing, tactile quality.

The outside edges of boards usually were square until the 13th century; after that time, they were often beveled, sometimes steeply, or, in the case of decorated bindings, on a more gentle slope. The inside edges were also frequently beveled during the 15th century, particularly in Germany.

When the outer edges of boards are beveled the edge along the spine is also often beveled on the inside, so that it follows the swelling of the spine. (58 , 236 )

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