Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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Baumé ( Baumé hydrometer )

A hydrometer for measuring the density of liquid and gum solutions, named after its inventor, Antoine Baumé. The Baumé scale is either of two arbitrary hydrometer scales, one for liquids heavier than water and the other for liquids lighter than water, that indicate specific gravity in degrees. The calculation (in the United States) for liquids heavier than water is:
                            60°         145
    Specific gravity at     ---     F =     ---
                            60°         145
                                          -° Baumé
and for liquids lighter than water:
                            60°         140
    Specific gravity at     ---     F =     ---
                            60°         130
                                          +° Baumé

Slightly different conversions are used in other countries or in specific industries. (179 , 362 )

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